
Thursday, May 03, 2007

Married Life?

"How is married life?" I think this is the frequent question I have been hearing lately after the people heard I have just gotten married. It is almost a month:)

I can not really tell neither describe what it is married life for I know it is a long way to go. But as far as I could describe on the basis of what I have experienced and what I am experiencing at the moment, I would say that it is good. A number of the principal witnesses whom I had a chance to talk with referred problems or conflicts as "challenges" which is probably a good euphemism instead of seeing misunderstandings or issues as "problems."

Being married for almost a month, it is truly challenging. Why? challenging because in marriage, when the party of "me" "my" "I" become so dominant, the harmony of the relationship starts to weaken. Why is this so real??? Definitely, we are still in the world and that this is not something you would have to answer me back.

I think I am trying to share that I am weak, still wrestling to change as a better person. Though still with human weakness, I know I must be more understanding and loving to others which is the right thing to do; for Christ has never turned His back on me and to anyone else. I deserve to be abandoned because of my many frailties and failures but He never left. Why is it more difficult for me to humble to the people I am really close with? And that it is easier to be ego-centerd!:(

Lord, thank you for being patient with me... and for people who have been patient with me.

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