
Thursday, July 26, 2007

When God Calls......

I met a Japanese brother through skype. From then on, we texted each other. Yesterday, we finally met each other in Cubao. He teaches Greek in one of the seminaries in Baguio. He is months older than me with a daughter who will start going to school as kinder this August.

Our time was brief but we had a great time. Like many people who are in the ministries, he has had plans but then the Lord touched him as he responded in obedience. It was good listening to him as he shared how the Lord brought him here to the Philippines. Just like me, I never thought I would become a missionary. I think my reason for having aimed at finishing a degree is to work and earn money. God is good! Little did I know that the simple question I asked in my heart of whether He was calling me to become a missionary when I was in junior high school would come into being after I finished my degree course.

The best is yet to come! Let us keep serving HIM!


  1. Yes, I agree! Definitely, the best is yet to come, Manong. I pray that the Lord will lead you to the right decision as to where the two of you can best share the knowledge and skills that you have learned, and also where you can grow as you learn from the people as well.


  2. Wen kabsat, agsingsingpet ka dita ah:) The Lord will sustain you just as He has sustained you while you were here.
