
Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Thank You.....

From left is a Taiwanese, two Americans, a Swiss, me and an Irish

It was a good experience to attend the Global Consultation on Music and Missions at Bethel University, Minnesota. It was a privelege to meet different people from different parts of the world, and to get to know people whose passion for God and compassion for people is evident in their lives. The encouragement I got from the people I had a chance to talk with is a blessing to me. Among whom I had a chance to spend time with is brother Josh. We had spend time in prayer the last night of the seminar . He was an encouragement to me. Until now we communicate through emails.

It was possible for me to attend (together with my two other Filipino companions)because of the generous heart of those who gave donations. My two other Filipino friends later knew that it was our American friend's(who helped us to be able to go to this consultation) mother-in-law who was our major sponsor. Gob bless her generous heart.

The diverse cultures I saw at the conference became one when people of different tongues came together in worship. On our last day, Steven Fry who is a successful recording artist led our devotion, focusing on the truth that it is not just a matter of having a good motivation that must drive us to do something. The bottom line must be evaluated with questions like "....does it bring pleasure to God?" I soon found out that he is the singer of one of my favorite songs entitled "I Want to Know You More." Whenever I sing this song, it makes me think of how frail I could be, but how grateful that in my daily deeds, even when I seem to lose heart and get so discouraged that my heart fails me, the gentle nudge of the Holy Spirit would just lift me up and encourage me to keep going.
This is the song which is found in the album "We Are Called":

I Want to Know You More

Just the time I feel that I've been caught in the mire of self
Just the time I feel my mind's been bought by worldly wealth
That's when the breeze begins to blow I know the Spirit's call
And all my worldly wonderings just melt into His love

Oh I want to know you more deep within my soul I want to know you
Oh I want to know you, to feel your heart and know your mind
Looking in your eyes stirs up within me
Cries that say I want to know you...
Oh I want to know you more

When my daily deeds ordinarily lose life and song
My heart begins to bleed sensitivity to Him is gone
I've run the race but set my pace and face a shattered soul
But the gentle arms of Jesus warmth my hugering to be whole

Oh I want to know you more deep within my soul I want to know you
Oh I want to know you, and I would give my final breath
To know you in your death and resurrection
Lord, I want to know you more

We were once sitting at a table during one of our meals. There were atleast 5 nationalities represented which we call the small UN.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you kuya...keep it up as well as keep composing...
